Linda Marie, psychic medium and personal coachI work with people within 3 to 6 months after they have lost a loved one(s) to death.  It is about this time that they have struggled through the immediate emotional, physical, legal and financial business of this loss.  When the relatives have gone home, friends have gone back to work and the immediate crisis has been contained, the true immensity of their loss may come crashing in on them.

I know this point all too well.

  • In 2018, I lost my beloved 27 year old son.
  • In 2021, I lost my husband and soulmate of 44 years.
  • In 2024, my cherished Mom also died.

After my husband died, a friend took me to see a Psychic Medium.   My friend knew that neither my husband nor myself had ever really found peace with the loss of our son.  And this friend recognized that after I also lost my husband, I was in a very precarious emotional state.   She thought the Psychic Medium would help.

And she did.  This caring professional provided a way for me to connect with both my son and husband.  I was able to learn that they still existed, that they were well, and that there was still love between us.  I was able to finally find the peace to start my own life again.

Linda Marie Psychic MediumPart of my new life was to learn how to become a Psychic Medium, so that I could offer this service to others.  I did learn how and have been working with others like myself ever since.  As your Psychic Medium, I want to be able to help you:

  • learn that they are safe,
  • finish interrupted conversations,
  • and get a chance to say goodbye the way you need to,

so that you can then find the peace to face your own life again.

If you, or someone you know is looking for closure and/or personal peace from a final conversation with a deceased loved one, schedule a “meet & greet”.  Don't worry, this will NOT be a high pressure sales pitch.  This will be our time to see if we are a good "fit" for each other.  And no matter what, please accept my love and understanding for where you or your friends are right now.