I work with people within 3 to 6 months after they have lost a loved one(s) to death. It is about this time that they have struggled through the immediate emotional, physical, legal and financial business of this loss. When the relatives have gone home, friends have gone back to work and the immediate crisis has been contained, the true immensity of their loss may come crashing in on them.
I know this point all too well.
In 2018, I lost my beloved 27 year old son.
In 2021, I lost my husband and soulmate of 44 years.
In 2024, my cherished Mom also died.
After my husband died, a friend took me to see a Psychic Medium. My friend knew that neither my husband nor myself had ever really found peace with the loss of our son. And this friend recognized that after I also lost my husband, I was in a very precarious emotional state. She thought the Psychic Medium would help.
And she did. This caring professional provided a way for me to connect with both my son and husband. I was able to learn that they still existed, that they were well, and that there was still love between us. I was able to finally find the peace to start my own life again.
Part of my new life was to learn how to become a Psychic Medium, so that I could offer this service to others. I did learn how and have been working with others like myself ever since. As your Psychic Medium, I want to be able to help you:
learn that they are safe,
finish interrupted conversations,
and get a chance to say goodbye the way you need to,
so that you can then find the peace to face your own life again.
If you, or someone you know is looking for closure and/or personal peace from a final conversation with a deceased loved one, schedule a “meet & greet”. Don't worry, this will NOT be a high pressure sales pitch. This will be our time to see if we are a good "fit" for each other. And no matter what, please accept my love and understanding for where you or your friends are right now.
Thoughts From Those Who Have Had A Medium Reading And Want To Share:
I had Linda Marie do a reading for me to connect with my dearly beloved grandmother. I didn't know what to expect, but I am sure I got more than I could have imagined. At first, even though she told me ahead of time, I was surprised by her cool, distant attitude. After the reading, I asked her why she was this way. She explained that because she is the conduit between me and my loved one, she doesn't want to add her own emotions on top of ours - that it is not about her - but all about us. What followed was lots of laughter and tears and I left the session knowing that I can connect with my grandmother any time I want to by just scheduling a new session. Loved it! Thank you Linda Marie. RK
I recently had a reading with Linda Marie. She cared for the needs of both my husband in spirit as well as myself. I thought the whole experience was done in a loving, very professional manner. Linda Marie was concise, to the point and kept her views and emotions isolated from that of my husbands. I felt like I was truly speaking with my husband. It was the most extraordinary experience I have ever had. And I do plan on going back for more in 3 months. Thank you! - AR
I didn't know what to expect from this reading. I was very nervous, very uncomfortable and it was going to be something that I would never share with anyone. I was kind of embarrassed actually. But, I was also missing him so much that there was no way I couldn't at least try and I wouldn't have to tell a soul if it turned out to just be bunk. But, everything was done very professionally. My accuracy was checked, my receipt of info was double checked. Linda Marie went through an elaborate process proving that she wasn't just making stuff up., that my memories were really truly mine and also that those Linda Marie shared from my husband. I would say that we spent a good 20 minutes just verifying who we were and that our memories were accurate. We got a written report afterwards and every word that was spoken was written down. I don't know how she was able to write that fast, and at the same time that she was receiving the info! I think that it is truly a gift, one that I really cherish and appreciate. She was the real deal. All I can say is if you are missing your loved one and you really want to connect, then please do so with Linda Marie. CJ
When I met Linda Marie, I was amazed by what a great experience it was. It confirmed what I always believed that people don't die and disappear. That they live on somewhere else. And it confirmed that my husband is somewhere else that I can reach and can connect with. And this gives me such a feeling of relief and calm. It was life changing. AH
When I went to the reading, I was expecting a bunch of BS, just a bunch of flowery words and to be convinced that someone was actually channeling my way. What I didn't realize was the depth of accuracy that I got. I grilled Linda Marie and she gave right back. There is no way she could have known the secrets that were shared before and I hope that she never shares these with others. If she shared them with others I am going to haunt her myself! Once I realized that she was the real thing, I was amazed with the love and care that we got from her. I truly felt like I connected with her(my wife) again! I will be able to again with Linda Marie. She was the real deal. Thank you. SM
Note from Linda Marie: your privacy is and will always be a sacred trust, do not be concerned about this ever again.