About Linda Marie

About The Experiences & Certifications of Linda Marie

About Linda Marie 

Linda Marie, psychic medium and personal coach

I have spent most of my life coaching others in how to do certain things.  This has ranged from:

  • Operations Manager of a successful construction company, as I helped people from all backgrounds and levels of experience learn how to work together as a cohesive unit. 
  • I then coached those interested in developing an entrepreneurs mindset.  That was right when social media came on the scene.  I pivoted, learned how and then taught those same entrepreneurs how  to create marketing strategies for their new businesses, that included creating an online presence. 
  • Later I pivoted again, to turn my love of physical fitness into a personal fitness coaching career.  This gave me a chance to take a fun detour into coaching athletes and/or performers in how to develop their success mindsets.

About that time, the detour hit a roadblock, as I experienced overwhelming personal loss.  On the home page, I share how I was introduced to and comforted by a psychic medium.  It was an incredible experience that allowed me to finally move forward again in my own life. 

Part of my new life was to learn how to become a psychic medium, so that I could offer this service to others.  I did learn how and have been working with others like myself ever since.   I have and will continue to take private and exclusive training, refresher courses, seminars and activities geared towards finetuning my skills and psychic abilities.   I do this in order to always offer you and/or someone you know the very best, up to date advances in using mediumship to give you comfort and peace when/if you were to experience your own losses.

These psychic skills and capabilities go hand in glove with all my years of coaching experience.  In my role as your Psychic Medium, I can offer you the chance to connect with your deceased loved ones in spirit.  By participating in this, I want you to be able to:

  • learn that they are safe,
  • finish interrupted conversations,
  • and get a chance to say goodbye the way you need to,

so that you can then find the peace to face your own life again.

.   If you would like to learn if this will be right for you, please visit the contact page and sign up for a free 30 minute “meet and greet”.   

About My Experiences & Certifications 

A moment to celebrate the long and winding road of my work life experiences! The 5 most important “career” things that you may want to know about me:

  1. I LOVE helping others learn how to do new things – physical, mental, intuitive & emotional. Your “ah ha” moments are the highlights of my day.  They pretty much feed my soul!
  2. Physical activity is the greatest cure to most ailments. There is one that will fit you perfectly – look until you find it!
  3. Life is meant to be experienced. Just go do it, attempt, fail & improve as you go.
  4. Where there is a will, there is a way… don’t be stopped by how things “should” be done.

The Stat’s:

Richard Knight's Academy of Psychic Development - currently and ongoing, completed program in May 2023

Linda M Hughes Advanced Psychic Practicioner certification

Transformational Life Coach – currently, completed certification program in July 2022

Ali Camplell Life Coaching Certificate

Certified Soul Realignment® Practitioner – currently, completed certification program in May 2022

Soul Realignment Practitioner Certification

Qualified for/competed in Scottish Highland Games Masters World Competition November, 2021

Scottish Highland Games Coach & Competitor injury ended competing in 2022

Sportswomen of Colorado Empowerment Award Winner 2018

Sword Art Performer/Teacher since 2016

Certified Personal Fitness Coach 2022- 2013

Performing Bellydancer 1996-1979

Dance Teacher since 1990

Completed For Now:

  USATF competitor 2015 - 2014 qualified in 2 states for 2015 National Senior Olympics in July 2015 - 4th place in hammer

USATF 2015 Linda and javelin throw at competiton

Obstacle Racer from 2013 -2011

Obstacle Racing Scottsdale AZ 2014
Spartan Race 2013 Ft Carson, CO Mud Crawl2

3rd degree brown belt in Kempo Karate 2006-1999

A Family Affair
Linda M Hughes 3rd degree brown belt

The Early Years:

Hughes Remodeling CO
Partners In Life & Business

Social Media & Marketing Coach For Small Businesses 2013-2008

Coordinator of Angel Capital Summit 2010



Mural Painter 2008-2005

Operations Manager Of Hughes Remodeling Company 2008-1990




Information Lobbyist For Colorado Land Surveyors Of Colorado 1990-1987

Linda Hughes Land Surveyor


LSIT(Land Surveyor In Training) 1987-1983


Horse Logger(1974-1975)